Our commitment to sustainability

Where we are located

Sapiranga – RS

CARTON PACK - Embalagem Carton Pack Ltda CNPJ: 00.879.252/0001-32

Sobral – CE

EMBACEL - Embalagens Ceará Ltda CNPJ: 01.788.591/0002-57

Seals and certifications

Certified Raw Material

The papers used in our packaging have FSC® certification, which ensures that they come from reforested wood or other controlled sources.

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Carbon Neutral

We offset the greenhouse gases generated in our packaging manufacturing processes.

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Eco Sustainable Product

Our products have sustainable systems throughout the production process and life cycle (disposal, reuse, recycling) and significantly reduce their environmental impacts.

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Clean Energy

We use renewable sources of energy in our factories, avoiding the emission of carbon dioxide and minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities.

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Quality Management 

We guarantee the standardization of our processes, meet the quality requirements, and satisfy our customers’ satisfaction with packaging that meets ABNT standards.

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Nature Partner Company

We are committed to the environment, sustainability, and environmental education through actions to reduce environmental impacts and promote resource savings.

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